Episode 23

Published on:

15th Sep 2023

Flavours of Care | The Enthusiast With Adrien Lewis

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In this conversation of we explore the Enneagram Type 7, also known as the Enthusiast. Adrien Lewis, the creator of the transformative platform CarePortal, joins our host, Wendi to discuss the mind of the enthusiast.

Adrien's optimistic outlook and thirst for new experiences have driven the success of CarePortal, a platform that connects people in need with those who have resources to help. We delve into the power of embracing life's possibilities, fostering meaningful relationships, and finding purpose within our communities.


[00:03:47] Changed perspective led to joining global orphan project.

[00:06:45] Easy to be happy, not taken for granted, childhood shaped positive outlook, optimism, galvanizing others.

[00:11:37] Canada working on bringing practical community involvement.

[00:14:18] Visionary care portal revolutionizes child welfare.

[00:17:02] God's story woven into Care Portal's evolution.

[00:22:51] Persevere, collaborate, and embrace different perspectives.

[00:25:34] Belief in God's promises, overcoming emotions, journey.

[00:30:56] Father, empower those making a difference, help families.

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About the CarePortal: careimpact.ca/careportal

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Editing and production by Johan Heinrichs: arkpodcasts.ca

Johan Heinrichs [:

This is Journey with Care. We are in our series, the Flavors of Care. In a world that craves joy and adventure, a remarkable individual emerges as the embodiment of exuberance. The enthusiast, also known as the the enneagram type 7. The enthusiast radiates an infectious zest for life, igniting a trail of excitement wherever they go. their boundless curiosity and insatiable thirst for new experiences make them the embodiment of joy and exploration. With an innate ability to find the silver lining in any situation, the enthusiasts embodies the spirit of unbridled optimism that lifts those around them. The other effervescent exterior lies at depth of emotion and a profound desire for connection. The enthusiast thrives on forming me full relationships that mirror the vibrant tapestry of their own inner world. The genuine and spontaneous nature creates an atmosphere where laugh and inspiration flourish. While their enthusiasm is undeniably magnetic, the enthusiast learns to navigate the delicate balance between indulging in for the present moment and find fulfillment within themselves. In the company of the enthusiasts, one is swept away by their contagious spirit, feeling empowered to chase of wonder sparks personal growth and fuels a sense of purpose within their community. under of care portal, Adrian Lewis, joining our host Wendi on an inside scoop of the interworkings of the mind of the enthusiast. station promises to be a journey of self discovery, optimism, and the magical essence of embracing life's possibilities. So let's get curious, and let's start the conversation.

Wendi Park [:

Welcome to the journey with care podcast lab but not least, we are landing on our final flavor that we wanna highlight. And with me in studio is Adrian Lewis, the creator of Care Portal, Welcome to the podcast.

Adrien Lewis [:

Man, I am so happy to be here, Wendy. Thank you for inviting me. This is fun. I I've not had a podcast like this and The great country of Canada. It's cool.

Wendi Park [:

Well, you are now speaking to an audience of Canadians. Some will know you. Those of us that have been using the care portal platform, whether from an agency side or the churches, we will be well familiar with care portal, but many of the Canadians do not know about care portal yet. Can you introduce yourself to Canada and, your baby?

Adrien Lewis [:

I can. So, yeah, well, I'm a husband and father of 6. I love Jesus. I'm trying to do the things he's asking me to do. Some of them are in my sweet spot. I would do them even if he didn't ask, and some of them have been really, really hard. And yet, the hard things are the things that have have shaped me the most. And so, you know, care portal being one of those things being a foster parent as another one of those things. Being adoptive dad is another one of those things. And so this journey that we're on to really care for people in a radical way, is personal to me. It's it's more than academic.

Wendi Park [:

life. I think it was back in:

Adrien Lewis [:

Yeah. For sure. So in:

Wendi Park [:

Oh, I've met her, and she is amazing. I will attest to that. and what a gap you have been filling, and it's increasing across the US. And now we are the 1st country to take it outside of the US. here in Canada, and we've been working together for Canadianizing this so that it would work here in Canada. I wanna dive into your flavor of care. affectionately, we're calling it the enthusiasts for those of us that are familiar with enneagram. We're we're talking with the enneagram 7. the enthusiasts. Before we get into that, can you tell us what your favorite ice cream is or what you would sort of characterize your personality type? to be an ice cream.

Adrien Lewis [:

That's interesting. So my favorite ice cream, I don't know if you have Freddy's.

Wendi Park [:

I don't think we do.

Adrien Lewis [:

It's a it's a chain, you know, and they do burgers, fries, stuff, but they have this amazing custard. So I'm cheating a little bit because it's custard, but there's a vanilla custard with peanut butter and peanut butter sauce. peanut butter cups and peanut butter sauce. And my wife and I will get a large, and we'll split that thing, and it'll be a a happy day in a Louis Oh,

Wendi Park [:

I would grab a spoon and a heartbeat. One thing I remember of you early on when we have had meals together with our team and yours You are a sharer at a restaurant. You like to share dishes. Right? Like, just share the love and and very enthusiastic about that.

Adrien Lewis [:

You know, I mean, look, if we're going to a restaurant, we can all win if we just order different things. wanting not to take advantage of that. That seems it's amazing.

Wendi Park [:

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Instagram 7. This is a, you know, heartbeat of, This in a nutshell is what it's like. So how would you describe your natural flavor as an enthusiast as a personality type beyond the ice cream and the the restaurant at Freddy's? how would you describe yourself as a an enthusiast?

Adrien Lewis [:

Yeah. I I think it's really easy for me to be happy. Mhmm. So I just gravitate towards it. And I know that's not true for everybody. And so I I don't take it for granted. It said it's just really a blessing. It's not hard for me to be happy. I am actually often looking for where is the joy and this thing. good, bad, or ugly? Like, where can I find the joining? but if I if I dig underneath the surface, like, why am I that way? there's reasons. There's reasons come going back to my childhood that helped to shape me to become the kind of person that I am. but how it plays out in day to day life, I'm eager to take on the next thing. I see the glass half full, I'm always thinking we can do way more than we actually can in the time and resources that we have. And I'm okay if I miss because we're just gonna try something else. You know? So in general, that that's what it sums up. I am constantly trying to galvanize to other people to get on board with whatever it is that's that's happening. And sometimes they like it, and sometimes they don't.

Wendi Park [:

I love that. I'm in enneagram 8, hard wing 7. So what you're you're describing does sit well with me. It resonates. You're the type of person from what I'm hearing is you know that analogy of you see this big room full of this horse manure? And and most people are saying, hey. That stinks. It's terrible. What's going on here? You're the guy that says there must be a pony in here somewhere.

Adrien Lewis [:

That's right. I'll force maybe in an elephant. Right? We're gonna find what's getting here. Sorry.

Wendi Park [:

That's right. So using that analogy, You've been faced when you were in Haiti and you came back to the US and you you did some probing. You you took children in and you're fostering adopting Your eyes were open to a lot of tragedy, a lot of crises, a lot of nuance complex issues within child welfare in the nation, how did you turn that from seeing that that sobering reality? How did you turn that into Hey. Maybe there's a pony in there somewhere an elephant that we could build this care portal app.

Adrien Lewis [:

You know, I I don't want to oversimplify the trauma that lots of humans experience. It's it's not a good thing. Kids experience things that should never have to go through. I have 3 adopted sons. I can tell you stories of their past. So although, naturally an enthusiast, My enthusiasm is actually to help solve for that. My enthusiasm is to say, how can we Minimize or prevent that trauma from happening to people as much as we possibly can.

Wendi Park [:

So maybe that's your driving force. Like, I talked to get to the bottom of this. There's got to be another way.

Adrien Lewis [:

That's right. There's gotta be another way. And how can we figure out what the barriers are for people who want to care, but don't actually know how to care. How do we help them through those barriers and and how do we be passionate about that process. And Careforce really built on that. Right? It's built on taking action and removing barriers so other people can take action that they can care for the most vulnerable in their meds.

Wendi Park [:

I would love for you to explain to our listeners for those that are new to the care portal What it is that your platform does and what is care portal?

Adrien Lewis [:

Yeah. I'm I'm super excited about what care portal is because in its essence, it's simple. the problem that care portal solves is you have people who are aware of the critical needs of other people in their community. And if they have a job to help meet those needs, we'll call them caseworkers. And then you have people in the community who if they were aware of those needs that are in proximity to them, and they had the resources or the time or the talent to meet them They would. And what careful does is it matches up these vetted needs that come from caseworkers with an army of people in the community, mostly through the local church, who want to make a difference in the lives of those families that are in in need. And so just like Uber or Airbnb or other things maybe in Canada I'm even aware of, but the just like technologies have created, framework for people to get connected and create value in each other's lives in the marketplace that's happening all over. In the social sector, Care portal is really the first to market at scale that can really help bring community based solutions from the community. That's what we're after.

Wendi Park [:

I really love that. And here in Canada, we're at that very early stage and and working with as both in the agencies and the churches to bring about that concept because some of the the the feedback I I may get from people that are new to care portal saying But I just pick up the phone or I send an email or I knock on the door. The question I have though in those those conversations is How's that working for you? Because it isn't what it was 30 years ago, and actually we're not as relational as as we could be And so here is an app. Here is a a platform that puts intentionality to it that really puts practical ways of the community to get involved in It's it's doing well here in Canada. We're slow and we're like the little engine that could, but we couldn't have done it without you and your team. supporting us and the vision that we have for our nation. And I think if I'm reflecting on your flavor, enthusiasm, and the cheerleading you have provided us, when we see nothing, but we have the vision for it you bring a spirit of innovation. And I imagine that has served you well in even developing this and evolving this platform. Can you talk a little bit about that entrepreneurial innovative side of an enthusiast?

Adrien Lewis [:

Yeah. I think at its core, you know, the drive here is that there is a way to solve the problem. At my core, at our core, we believe that there's there is a way. Like, we can do more than we're doing now. And so innovation that's spurred on by that enthusiasm. That core belief is, like, is kind of exciting. I mean, people get on board with it. You know, they they want to solve problems. And so if my little gift that I've been given that I can share at the world is to inspire people on to do more than they have been able to do and use some creative ways to get there, then get it up. Let's go.

Wendi Park [:

I love that giddyup. That comes off in in in our meetings. And tell me more about the development of the portal itself. Did you just wake up and say, hey. What about technology? Did you have tech in your background? What was it that you brought to the table in in developing that?

Adrien Lewis [:

I and so I have to give 100% blame for this to god. Right? In my wildest dreams, I would not have imagined being in the seat that I'm in now, and yet god does things like that. So

Johan Heinrichs [:


Wendi Park [:

I blame god for me being what I'm doing too.

Johan Heinrichs [:

So I'm

Wendi Park [:

with you, bro.

Adrien Lewis [:

officially launched in March:

Johan Heinrichs [:


Adrien Lewis [:

in total. And it's through a network of of churches and people who care. That's way beyond what I ever imagined.

Wendi Park [:

hings be? And we compiled the:

Adrien Lewis [:

Well, I appreciate that. And I will also say, we all have the opportunity to say yes to god. But if we choose not to, he'll use somebody else. And so, you know, if it wasn't me, it'd be somebody because this is god's idea, and I'm not a technologist, didn't have a really good reason to choose me. I I've never written a single line of code, but he chooses the willing. And, you know, he takes advantages of their strengths and their weaknesses and all the things. And so here we go.

Wendi Park [:

So as an enthusiast, what what kind of message would you have for other people Perhaps they identify with that same flavor of care, what would you tell them? Would you just say, like, giddy up?

Adrien Lewis [:

Probably. Yeah. Probably. I would I would also say, well, a couple of things. 1, every in engram number, every personality, every flavor, has its strengths and weaknesses. Right? There's there isn't one that's better than not others. And so if you ask the people around me, what's the downside of working with Adrian? they might say something like Well, he often says things as though they're so, and they're not even close to so. Right?

Wendi Park [:

But you've imagined them to be, and you you're already envisioning them. Right?

Adrien Lewis [:

I'm already envisioning them. He and

Wendi Park [:

You're not making things up?

Adrien Lewis [:

No. And I'm imagining that we can move this big pilot dirt with forks and spoons. And they're like, nobody. We actually need a dump truck. Right? So

Johan Heinrichs [:


Adrien Lewis [:

Mhmm. -- if we don't have a dump truck, this is gonna take ten times as long as you expected to. And so what I've had to learn is to listen to the people around me. who are wise, and they say, that's a good idea, but here's actually what's required to get that done.

Wendi Park [:


Adrien Lewis [:

And to regulate my expectations so that we can actually achieve success in a in a really excellent way. because we might be able to get there and have a a good result. But to get an excellent result, it's gonna take more than what I think it's going to take. And so having people around me who are willing to push, I often use the words like push on this or pressure test this so that they have the freedom to be them and be an 8 or or be a 1 or whatever so that I can hear the other perspectives. It's paramount. for success to have people like that around.

Wendi Park [:

No. That is so valuable. And and one of the themes that we've been seeing as we've been talking to many different people throughout this series that we need each other. On our own, we are not complete on our own. We have blind spots. and shadow sides to us that we need each other to sharpen each other and to to really drive a better result to drive a richer community forward and, to grow in health. So I appreciate you saying that. Now if you had receive some some constructive criticism on maybe you presented 10 ideas because you're so passionate about all of them and you think all of them could happen And if 7 of them are shot down, are you discouraged, or are you just, like, great.

Johan Heinrichs [:


Wendi Park [:

of them are are keepers?

Adrien Lewis [:

No. I I'm not discouraged because it's just my it's just the nature of the 7. It's not likely for us to get discouraged. Right? It's one of the gifts that we have. It's it's okay. We can persevere through things, and we can just keep on trying and keep on trying. so it doesn't discourage me. I can get frustrated. We have I feel like people aren't trying, but that's my problem. Right? So I'm I'm calling out my weakness is that I'm I'm maturing him. It's a battle, but I'm maturing in it. is to understand that people pushing on the ideas is really valuable So you asked me, you know, what advice would you have for other people who are like you? It's like, hey. Go for it. Absolutely. Keep trying. but surround yourself with people who aren't just gonna say yes to whatever it is that you say because that's not the best outcome. The best outcome is There is collaboration with people who are different than you. You might lead the charge, but they are making sure that the horses are attached to the wagon, and it's actually gonna get to where you're trying to go. Right? That's super important.

Wendi Park [:

So in what ways can other people around you around that team or your family or wife, how do they care best for you? What does it feel like to be cared for well and understood?

Adrien Lewis [:

so my coworkers, my friends, my family, this might sound ridiculous, but caring for me is as much about presenting reality as it is about being excited with me. Right? So being excited with me is awesome, but it can't stop there if you're really going to care for me. I need you to test what I'm saying. And I need you to be able to say, man, that sounds like fun, buddy. but it's probably not the right time for it. That's actually caring for me because my nature isn't doesn't generally get me to go there. My nature just says, we can do this. All of it. Care for me. Test. Test what I'm saying. And my, you know, the people close to me really do a good job with that.

Wendi Park [:

It's really good. And I'm just curious now on a spiritual level in your relationship with god, how do you relate to god as an enthusiast in all the ideas and enthusiasm that you bring, what does that look like in your relationship with god? How does he bring you through non enthusiastic things like grief and hardship and the things that you've described, what's happened like to journey with god through those things.

Adrien Lewis [:

Comes are good and difficult discussions. so I'm on a journey just like all of us. And on this journey, I can tell you that I believe most of god's promises very easily. I believe Romans Wendi. He's gonna work all things together for the good of those who are called. I believe that Jesus is, always with you. Always with me and will never forsake me. I believe that the truth will set me free. Right? I believe that the holy spirit dwells inside of me, and I'm created in the image of god. And He knew me before time began, and my mother's womb, you know, all those things are easy for me to believe. So that's the way I relate to the lord. is focusing on the things that he says are true and living in that power. However, What I've also learned about myself is the emotion of being overwhelmed or scared, sad, angry. Those emotions, like, I don't like them. I tend to avoid them. I tend to want to avoid them and other people, not give freedom for those emotions to be experienced by by them either. And that's not all good. The the shortest verse in the Bible is Jesus wept. Well, why did he weep? And it I'm not just talking about little tears. I mean, he he came alongside people in his life that were sad, grieving, and grieved with that And so for for me to recognize that shortcoming in myself and try to reconcile why am I that way and figuring out where that roots back into my childhood and how that impacts me and the relationships I have with my wife and my kids and and everybody else. That's work. Right? That self discovery work. It doesn't mean that I don't remain enthusiastic, but it also means that I need to both allow myself and the people around me to experience those emotions and know then we're not gonna die. We're not gonna get stuck in grief forever just because we're grieving now. We're not gonna be stuck in anger forever just because we're angry now. and it's okay to be overwhelmed with the circumstances of your life in this moment. It doesn't mean you're gonna be there forever, which actually is my deepest fear. is I'm going to get stuck in those emotions. And so I'm trying to avoid that at almost all cost And that's just real. You know, this is real things that are part of who I am. so can you be an enthusiast? and also recognize that that you have a shortcoming into blind spots. And, yes, you can. You have to just be super intentional. and know it's a journey. You will get there as long as you keep trying to get there. So god has helped me see those blind spots and This promises are still true. I will never leave you or forsake you, even in the midst of your grieving, in the midst of your fear, and the midst of your anger, and midst of being overwhelmed. And so I take comfort in that.

Wendi Park [:

Well, Adrian, that's, really is a good message. for our Canadian audience and the context that we are dealing with in Canada, there's a lot of grief, a lot of sobering realities, historical issues that the church has been involved with, particularly with our indigenous brothers and sisters, a lot of icky things that are being uncovered here. It's not good. Some of the sobering realities and the statistics, it's just Yeah. It it's very sobering and yet to hear from an enthusiast to say yes, but god is still good, and god can work all things together for good. And you know what? I I do have share that optimism. I do share that optimism that despite all the tragedy and we don't make light of that or or think we can fix it. But despite all of that, there is a pathway through. And and so thank you very much for bringing that message to us because I feel like we're on the early cusp of this journey, at least as care impact and the the people and the the the agencies and churches and businesses that are partnering with us, for this new way forward. so thank you.

Adrien Lewis [:

It's the journey I'm on. I'll share what's been given to me.

Wendi Park [:

To conclude our series and also just this conversation, as you have been one that has had an impact here in Canada, in letting us, utilize the care portal as we develop it here. I'm wondering, can you pray for Canada? Can you pray that that god would do a good thing. We know a tool is just technology. It's it's complicated. It's beautiful. It's amazing technology. but that god would use that instrumentally as we follow him together towards seeing more children and families cared for in community.

Adrien Lewis [:

I'm honored Wendi, and thank you for your leadership on your team in Canada. You're blazing a trail, to really help improve the communities that you care about, the people in those communities. So keep after it, sister. I appreciate this time, and I and I'm happy to pray.

Wendi Park [:

Thank you.

Adrien Lewis [:

Father, you have heard all of our words. You do understand us more than anybody else does. you know, the good, Don Nagley. You know, the things that are happening in Canada right now and have happened over over the centuries, And you know that the distrust that is created because of it, you know, the sins of the church, you know, the brokenness of people, you know, them by Maine. And so I just, I beg you and I beg you to empower those who are trying to make a difference. in your name. I'm an I'm beg your lord to empower people in the church who might be afraid of doing things differently and engaging people different than them. I beg you, Laura, that you would you would help them push through those barriers in their minds and their hearts I beg you, lord, that families who are on the brink would would receive help and have the trust necessary and the vulnerability necessary to to let people into their lives. I beg you, father, that you would stir the hearts of leaders across the country in churches that they would they would not shrink back both from the sins of the past and their abdication of responsibilities and the challenges ahead of them that they would take this seriously, and they would know that the best way to build the bride of Christ and to what she was made to be is by loving the neighbor. Every neighbor with whatever they can.

Johan Heinrichs [:

Thank you for joining us on our series. flavors of care. We will continue to celebrate the uniqueness of individuals and their ways of fitting into the community sharing different perspectives and stories from different guests We hope you'll join us, and maybe you'll come out the other side, learning a little bit more about yourself, and those around you. And, hey, just like ice cream, podcast was so much more fun when shared with others. So share this series with a friend or family member, and remember to visit our website, journey with care.ca, to stay informed of upcoming podcast meetups, all the links, information on our guests, and so much more. Again, thank you for listening and let's stay curious.

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Journey With Care
Equipping communities and the Church to love neighbours well
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