Double JeoPARTY | Behind the Mic Part 2
Partner with work of CareImpact and Journey With Care!
Part 2 in this series of episodes where our hosts, Johan Heinrichs and Wendi Park, invite listeners on an explorative adventure into their lives and insights. Johan will be joining more episodes with Wendi as a co-host and they take the opportunity to get to know them a little better.
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What does loving your neighbor actually look like? This
Speaker:is Journey with Care, where curious Canadians get inspired to
Speaker:love others well through real life stories and honest
Speaker:Alright. Welcome back to JeoPARTY.
Speaker:JeoPARTY. Right? That's what we're calling it. This is episode 2.
Speaker:If you haven't listened to our first one, again, this is just an opportunity for
Speaker:you to get to know us a little bit better as hosts because I'm kinda
Speaker:jumping on as a secondary host with more of these episodes
Speaker:of Journey with Care, and it's a good opportunity for you to get to know
Speaker:us a little bit better. And, again, we want to introduce
Speaker:you to our Sojourners discussion group on our website, journey with care
Speaker:dotca. There, you can get to know us a little bit better as well or
Speaker:other listeners. You can ask questions about CareImpact, about
Speaker:us, about the podcast, anything that you your
Speaker:heart desires to know, or you can just chat amongst yourselves
Speaker:on the Sojourner's group. Alright. We are in part 2, Wendi,
Speaker:of Jeopardy. Mhmm. And, last week, we did fun and
Speaker:whimsy, faith and purpose, would you rather, and learning
Speaker:as our categories. This week, we are doing another
Speaker:would you rather, life reflections, character,
Speaker:Community, and Connection. Would you say you learned anything about me
Speaker:last week? Do you feel like you know me a little bit better? Yeah. See,
Speaker:I never knew you were that into Indiana Jones. It it makes me
Speaker:interested to when we go on our next, road trip as a team,
Speaker:to the conference, if you're gonna have to you're the driver. So
Speaker:I'm wondering if you're gonna take us on any adventures if, Indiana Jones has
Speaker:taught you a little thing. Are you wanting to live out some of those
Speaker:fantasies, Indiana Jones fantasies, on our road trip?
Speaker:We'll be playing, the soundtrack for the full 13 hours
Speaker:down. Oh, goodness. I'll have my
Speaker:fedora on because I do have a fedora. Okay.
Speaker:I no longer have a whip. Just don't bring a whip along. Yeah.
Speaker:The border crossing, that that could be problematic for sure.
Speaker:Yeah. But I do have a bunch of bobbleheads on my shelf. I might put
Speaker:one of those on the dashboard for the trip. Well,
Speaker:I think that would be fun. Anybody that has, been with
Speaker:Johan, we all know this and give a shout out
Speaker:if if you know this about Johan. He's a lot more fun
Speaker:after 10 PM, when we have meetings and
Speaker:planning sessions or when we've done, group,
Speaker:retreats and stuff. He gets kinda crazy then. So I really should
Speaker:be interviewing you after 10 PM, because we know the 10
Speaker:PM Johan comes out. So did you learn anything about me,
Speaker:Johan, from our last episode?
Speaker:After editing you for so many episodes, I think I I knew
Speaker:all that stuff because you don't know listeners don't know the stuff I've
Speaker:had to cut out, some of this inside information. I
Speaker:I I probably could've I probably could've answered a lot of these for
Speaker:you. Didn't even need you Johan. But, yeah, I probably learned a few things about
Speaker:that. So true. Yeah. Yeah. I just hope you're not doing AI and just,
Speaker:putting my voice into answers that you've created. You'll
Speaker:never know. You'll never know. Alright. Let's get on with
Speaker:Jeopardy 2. Jeopardy. Alright.
Speaker:Alright, Wendi. You're gonna start this one off for us. Pick your category
Speaker:and pick your Okay. I'm gonna go light to to get us
Speaker:started. I think it's gonna be light. We'll see. I'm gonna do a
Speaker:would you rather for 100, please.
Speaker:What's one quality you admire most in a friend?
Speaker:I have some good Wendi, and if I look at their best
Speaker:qualities, maybe it's an overused,
Speaker:simplified word, but I would say authenticity. A a good friend will
Speaker:actually tell me what they think and not what they think I want to hear,
Speaker:And so we can have some good discussions. Always loving, but, they're
Speaker:really authentic, and we can go deep and,
Speaker:never have to pretend around each other. Your turn.
Speaker:Alright. Life reflections for 200.
Speaker:What's one thing you wish you had known when you were younger?
Speaker:That you get older. You didn't know that? I think
Speaker:young people think they know that, but I don't think they really believe
Speaker:that. That's true. You're right.
Speaker:We're kind of invincible when we're younger. Right? We think we are. Like, have
Speaker:you hit midlife crisis yet? Do you feel like you're there? Like, are
Speaker:you on top of the hill, creeping close to the top of the hill?
Speaker:Where where would you find yourself on the hill in the analogy of life?
Speaker:I've been riding that hill for 20 years.
Speaker:It's a big plateau on top. Well, you're
Speaker:younger than me, but I would say probably I'm not gonna
Speaker:measure our maturity levels, but I I'd say we're pretty on
Speaker:par. I I probably peaked, so I'm probably on my way down. But
Speaker:so my physiotherapist would say My turn? Yep. Okay.
Speaker:Alright. I'm gonna go with life reflections for 100. What
Speaker:is one thing you're pretty good at that you wish you can teach others?
Speaker:Well, not to brag, but I do awkward pretty well.
Speaker:It's a redeeming quality since since childhood that I
Speaker:could embrace my awkwardness. And I think what I
Speaker:it actually in all seriousness, it's allowed me
Speaker:to bring diverse people around the table, whether that's
Speaker:government leaders from high, high up or or
Speaker:frustrated frontline social workers to
Speaker:people of different cultures, different denominations, different religions,
Speaker:male and female. I love a diverse crowd, and I
Speaker:love to bring people together and create some
Speaker:commonality, build bridges, amongst
Speaker:diversity in ways that is meaningful and authentic, that
Speaker:doesn't force people to be different than who they are, that
Speaker:they could bring their authentic self. I I love creating that
Speaker:space, and I would that's what I wanna teach across Canada. That's
Speaker:what I wanna see the church be doing in these, these spaces
Speaker:across all the cities across Canada. I wanna see us embracing diversity
Speaker:and, being people of peace. Alright.
Speaker:We're gonna change it up for the next one. You're gonna pick my category and
Speaker:number. Oh, okay. I'm gonna see if you have
Speaker:any character. So I'm gonna do character for 400. If you
Speaker:had to choose 1 Bible character that most resonates with you,
Speaker:who would that be and why? My automatic
Speaker:answer for the past 20 years
Speaker:actually, for the past 37 years,
Speaker:38 years. I'm only 41, almost 42.
Speaker:Yeah. So since you were in preschool. Probably would have been
Speaker:David. I used to sing songs about David when I was 3 years old recording
Speaker:myself on a little tykes recorder. But, I
Speaker:mean, in recent years that? Yeah. My parents have it, I
Speaker:think, somewhere. But Can you insert it into this podcast?
Speaker:Inquiring ears want to hear. That might have to be
Speaker:a Sojourner's group thing that we put on there if people
Speaker:wanna get that. There's your bonus for you. I do.
Speaker:But in recent years, like, even studying the life of David,
Speaker:he didn't do so many good things too. Like he, he lived
Speaker:a pretty he did a lot of bad things. Like, I
Speaker:don't I don't wanna associate with those those types of things, but the
Speaker:worship side of things, the songwriting, obviously, not everything
Speaker:in David's journey in life is is admirable,
Speaker:but that's the same with all of us, I suppose. So, Johan, why don't
Speaker:you choose a category for me? We will do would you rather
Speaker:for 400, and I'm gonna Alright. What do you
Speaker:got for me? Would you rather live in a secluded monastery
Speaker:or travel the world learning from different religious communities? I think I
Speaker:know the answer to this one, but Oh, I as much as I like being
Speaker:by myself, which I've alluded to in the first episode,
Speaker:if I wanted to retreat, I would definitely travel the world
Speaker:learning for different religious communities because that was my background,
Speaker:before settling in here in Winnipeg. But
Speaker:even still, I'm very intrigued, and I love traveling and learning from the
Speaker:religious communities even here in my own city. So,
Speaker:yeah, that's an easy one. Yeah. That's what I figured you'd
Speaker:say. Let's do community and
Speaker:connection for 300. Okay.
Speaker:Can you share a tradition or ritual that's important to you and your
Speaker:loved ones? I would say
Speaker:eating dinner together as much as possible every
Speaker:night at the table. We don't have devices on.
Speaker:We don't eat at different places unless one of our kids
Speaker:has an event and they need to eat early or something or my son's working,
Speaker:but we try as best as we can to eat dinner
Speaker:together every evening. So So I'm curious
Speaker:to add on to that. What's the vibe around your table? Is it, like,
Speaker:laughing and joking around? Is it, like, serious conversations?
Speaker:Is it, like, how is your day type of thing? Permanent
Speaker:proper or loud and and clowny?
Speaker:What is it? It's called forced joy.
Speaker:We don't always we don't always come to the table
Speaker:with happy vibes.
Speaker:Things are going awesome. So actually, when any of us
Speaker:are feeling down or just
Speaker:not in a great headspace, we will join hands and
Speaker:we will all lift up our hands to the sky and
Speaker:pray. And that's how we get forced joy. It's like,
Speaker:Lord, give us joy today. It's kind of a weird thing that we do,
Speaker:but when we're Wendi we're grouchy, we just are like, oh,
Speaker:you're you're looking down. Like, let's join hands and lift them up to the sky.
Speaker:Because it it causes things to become lighter all of a sudden. So
Speaker:not that we don't have deep discussions ever. So anyway
Speaker:Alright. I'm gonna choose community and connections for
Speaker:400. How do you handle
Speaker:conflicts or disagreements within your relationships?
Speaker:Oh, that's a doozy. As an Enneagram 8, I I
Speaker:do, not back down from a good challenge. I
Speaker:choose my battles because some things are just not worth fighting for. They're just petty
Speaker:and whatever. You can have it. But if it's something that I'm
Speaker:passionate about, I actually like
Speaker:having the discussion and
Speaker:even being challenged, in my assumptions or my
Speaker:thinking. I do like it, but how do I handle it?
Speaker:If my family were to answer this question, they would probably
Speaker:say, mom leans in or my wife
Speaker:leans in, and we would rather lean out,
Speaker:because I'm a challenger. Okay. So so let
Speaker:me qualify that, though, because for me, in disagreements, if
Speaker:we don't see eye to eye and it's not even about who's right, who's wrong,
Speaker:there's usually it it's more of a communication issue.
Speaker:To me, leaning in isn't about being in a fight
Speaker:position. It's actually, I wanna get to know you better. I want to
Speaker:work through this. It matters enough to work through it rather than
Speaker:retreat and put it under the the carpet. So I'm not one of those people
Speaker:that likes to leave things kinda lingering where the air is
Speaker:thickened and there's a disagreement. I'd rather have it out there. I'd rather be
Speaker:told exactly what people think than to wonder and have
Speaker:to, like, tiptoe around somebody. So I'd rather
Speaker:have just the open, honest conversation, and I hope that I can
Speaker:create that safety for others so that they can have it. One of the
Speaker:great qualities in in you as as you lead
Speaker:CareImpact for sure. Yeah. Because we have a lot of
Speaker:challenging topics that we we navigate in society and in
Speaker:our churches, and how do we work together. We need to be able to
Speaker:embrace some challenging things. Alright. Wendi, you wanna pick
Speaker:my next one? Yeah. Sure. Why not? I'm gonna do a would you
Speaker:rather for 300. Okay.
Speaker:So this is a good one. Would you rather watch a chick flick with your
Speaker:wife or an adventure thriller with your guy friends?
Speaker:So that could be Wendi Indiana Jones. Definitely an adventure
Speaker:thriller with my guy friends. My wife doesn't even
Speaker:like me watching chick flicks with her because she'd rather watch it.
Speaker:Oh. The ladies that she knows would enjoy it. And she would tell you the
Speaker:same thing. Yeah. So what kind of movie do you like to watch with your
Speaker:wife? If you have a date night and you could go to
Speaker:any movie, what type of movie would you both enjoy?
Speaker:We love movies based on real stories, real
Speaker:events. And so that's what we usually opt for. Things like that.
Speaker:Nothing nothing usually romantic. It's sometimes we'll
Speaker:go to adventure movies as well. Stuff like that. She likes that as well. So
Speaker:you have to love an adventure if you've married me. So Yeah. Because you
Speaker:are AKA Indiana Jones. Exactly.
Speaker:Yep. Okay. So choose one for me now.
Speaker:Let's do character for 200.
Speaker:Okay. What is one character deficiency
Speaker:that most gets under your skin?
Speaker:Oh. So I'm gonna go with inauthenticity
Speaker:because I really love it when people bring their
Speaker:whole self to the table. In the church, at
Speaker:staff meetings, at the table around with my family,
Speaker:I don't like the drama where people are playing games or pretending.
Speaker:What I don't like in in certain dynamics is
Speaker:when there's, like, a big elephant in the sanctuary or big elephant in the room
Speaker:or in society and nobody's talking about it, and it's the most
Speaker:obvious thing. And there's ways to do it so that it's not like
Speaker:bull in a China shop that is destructive, but it's just like if
Speaker:it's there, can we at least talk about it?
Speaker:I think that's one of CareImpact's goals is to expose those elephants
Speaker:and talk about them. And to chomp on them lovingly
Speaker:and say, here, here, elephant. Let's step out of the sanctuary.
Speaker:There's other places you can roam. I've ridden an elephant before.
Speaker:Have you? Cool. I want to. Okay.
Speaker:You're up. Johan? I will do would would you rather?
Speaker:You can pick the number. Okay. Let's go hard. I don't know what's here, but
Speaker:okay. So would you rather meet a historical
Speaker:religious figure or witness a miraculous event firsthand?
Speaker:I would probably rather meet a historical religious figure.
Speaker:Oh, really? I think so. Okay.
Speaker:But, like, I'd I'd love to meet Paul. I'd love to have a good
Speaker:conversation with him. See, I would I would have probably,
Speaker:said I wanna continue to see miracles happen because
Speaker:I can see Paul in heaven. Like, eventually, we'll we'll meet up.
Speaker:Right? But There might be a lineup. Yeah. That's
Speaker:true. You might cut to the the chase. Get the VIP
Speaker:pass. Yeah. I'll give it to you. Alright. I'm gonna choose
Speaker:life reflections for 400, please. Describe
Speaker:a life changing moment that shaped who you are
Speaker:today. I think
Speaker:that the most shaping things have been when I have
Speaker:been displaced purposely and selectively,
Speaker:and I had the privilege I acknowledge I had the privilege to do so to
Speaker:choose. Many people don't when they come here as refugees or
Speaker:or under circumstances that they did not choose. But,
Speaker:fortunately, I've been able to choose to do education,
Speaker:overseas in Costa Rica and Bolivia and Middle East, and
Speaker:and those probably have been quite life changing
Speaker:for me, actually, in in high school too. I had a bit of a travel
Speaker:bug here, and, I was an exchange student in Europe. And
Speaker:all of those have been defining moments for me in my
Speaker:faith where I just didn't lean on my own church community and
Speaker:my friends and my family to support who I was. You bring your
Speaker:old baggage with you wherever you go. And so so those those
Speaker:suitcases of bad habits or, critical thinking or
Speaker:or things that need to be weeded out or gifts and abilities you didn't even
Speaker:think you had and you're you're forced to to
Speaker:lean heavily on God. And and those are really deep
Speaker:moments and spiritual encounters for me that continue
Speaker:to resonate and and shape who I am and how I think today.
Speaker:Alright. Let's do a would you rather.
Speaker:Let's go with the first one then. Okay. So here here's one for you,
Speaker:Johan. Would you rather drink church coffee, and
Speaker:we know what that's like, or warm flat pop?
Speaker:Fortunately, our church coffee isn't terrible. No. But I
Speaker:mean, like, the church coffee. Like, our church has good coffee too, but,
Speaker:like, the classic watered down Folgers.
Speaker:Let's go with that. Yeah. Made in a big percolator
Speaker:that at 8 o'clock in the morning, and it's 11.
Speaker:Because coffee is my favorite drink, I find it offensive to have
Speaker:bad coffee. So I need to go with flat warm pop.
Speaker:Mhmm. Preferably Coke 0 type
Speaker:nonsugary pop because I don't drink too many sugary pops. So
Speaker:Okay. Yeah. I think I'd have to join you for that too.
Speaker:Mhmm. Yep. Good answer. Good answer. Okay. I'm gonna go
Speaker:with, community and connection for 200.
Speaker:Here's a nice light and fluffy one. Describe your ideal way
Speaker:to spend time with friends or family. Oh, I
Speaker:love this question. I love having people
Speaker:around my table. Our 11 foot table gets filled regularly
Speaker:and just with good food and company around the
Speaker:table and then go back to the patio in the summertime anyway or
Speaker:spring and have a a fire pit going and, just
Speaker:hanging out together. It doesn't even have to be that,
Speaker:entertaining per se. We don't have to have a movie going on anywhere,
Speaker:but I think just rich conversations of laughter and and
Speaker:depth of conversations where we can all be authentic. If
Speaker:Harold would be there, my husband would be part of the this he might bring
Speaker:out the karaoke. It's not my jam, but, karaoke does
Speaker:bring out the life of a party too. So, we might throw in some
Speaker:karaoke as well. And you got a great fire
Speaker:pit patio. We should do another podcast meetup, and we can
Speaker:join you in your happy place there. Should, and people are welcome to come
Speaker:over. We love having people over, and I built that fire pit
Speaker:myself with my own bare hands. That was my holiday project last year.
Speaker:And, yeah, we'll definitely have to do that again. We did that last year, and
Speaker:it was a lot of fun. We talked about the Enneagram around the the fire
Speaker:and had some good food and some good laughs. It was Ice cream
Speaker:party? Yeah. We had an ice cream party. That's right. You remembered.
Speaker:Alright. And what about you? Can I ask you the the last
Speaker:one, community in connection for 500? Sure.
Speaker:Okay. So this is a a little depth. You created it actually, so I'm
Speaker:gonna throw it right back at you. How do you prioritize
Speaker:relationships in your life? I think this is a a good question.
Speaker:It's hard because you're connected to so many people, and you
Speaker:wanna make time for everybody, but it's impossible. Right? Yeah.
Speaker:So I probably have to answer that in terms of those
Speaker:closest to me, my my close family
Speaker:in my under my household, just making sure
Speaker:that checking in with them, asking them questions.
Speaker:And and some good attachment trivia there is the reality is
Speaker:we we need to have quality attachment. A
Speaker:fraction, 20, 30 percent of the time with an individual
Speaker:is more important than quantity of time where we spend a lot of time and
Speaker:aren't intentional with that person. I know I remind myself of that if I
Speaker:have mommy guilt, for not being able to be everywhere at the
Speaker:same time. I I can't be omnipresent, and and yet if I
Speaker:can focus in on having quality time with family and Wendi,
Speaker:when I'm there being fully present is is a valuable thing to
Speaker:to hold on to. Okay. I'm gonna pick here as Wendi. We
Speaker:need more done in life reflections and character. So
Speaker:I think you can use some more character.
Speaker:Thanks a lot. I I would definitely go
Speaker:for more character too. Character for
Speaker:500. Alright. Let's have it. Which character trait are you
Speaker:most aspiring to develop in your life?
Speaker:Well, I think there's many things that I
Speaker:wanna continue to grow and nurture. I would say I have a growth mindset where
Speaker:I'm always where I'm reading and pursuing
Speaker:greater character would be an aspiration for me. But if I had to choose
Speaker:one character trait, what you're asking, I would
Speaker:say I wanna become more loving and grow
Speaker:in love. 1, it's a never ending pursuit, so
Speaker:we can always become more loving. In in first
Speaker:Corinthians 13, it talks about if I speak in tongues of men and of angels
Speaker:and I have not love, I'm only a resounding gong and
Speaker:clanging cymbal, and I don't wanna be that. Hopefully, not on the podcast
Speaker:either. I wanna be truly loving. And if I have the gift of prophecy and
Speaker:can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and I I wanna pursue
Speaker:knowledge and and the mysteries of God, and if I have
Speaker:faith that can move mountains, faith that can build
Speaker:CareImpact, to impact our our nation, but I do not have love,
Speaker:I am nothing, and I want my life to count. So I would have to
Speaker:say my answer is love. I want to do all things
Speaker:with greater and greater love that comes from the father's heart.
Speaker:Good answer. You think we got time for a few more?
Speaker:Yeah. I I definitely wanna grill you a little bit more.
Speaker:I I'm thinking, I wanna finish off the the would you
Speaker:rather. There's a question here that I I'm interested because it actually
Speaker:has real life implications, and I wanna see your answer on this. Are you
Speaker:ready for it? I made this one just for you, Johan. Would
Speaker:you rather for 200? Alright. Would you rather sit in a
Speaker:long meeting with your CareImpact colleagues
Speaker:or a long car ride with them? You know we do
Speaker:both. Yeah. I would rather do the car ride, to be honest.
Speaker:Would you? Okay. It's It's good you're not dreading it. I would.
Speaker:Because our meetings are generally online, right, over
Speaker:Zoom, and I just don't enjoy Zoom very much. I'd
Speaker:rather have a good conversation with someone sitting beside me. So
Speaker:definitely take the long car ride in. I love long car rides. So That's good
Speaker:because you're gonna be doing a lot of the driving. A whole bunch of us
Speaker:from our CareImpact team are driving down to, Kansas
Speaker:City for a conference that we're a part of,
Speaker:and, it's gonna be fun. Maybe we'll record an
Speaker:episode on the road. That That could be interesting. That is on our schedule, so
Speaker:they don't know it yet. So we're gonna put the mic onto them, and we're
Speaker:gonna get some good conversations on the the car ride, hopefully.
Speaker:Surprise. Let's go with life reflections for 300,
Speaker:please. What will you have written on your epitaph
Speaker:after you've passed away that you want people to remember?
Speaker:Oh, yeah. And that had like, like,
Speaker:you know, you go to funerals sometimes, and it's like, are we talking with the
Speaker:same person and and everybody's a saint? And I'm I wouldn't want people to think
Speaker:I'm a saint because I as you know, I'm not. But what would
Speaker:ring true? I'm gonna try a little bit of a rhyme here because it's gonna
Speaker:be corny. So please don't relisten to this after I'm
Speaker:dead and put this onto my stone because this is not thinking
Speaker:it through. How about this? Here lies Wendi
Speaker:Park. She had the spark and left
Speaker:her mark. Does that work? Would it fit?
Speaker:Sounds a little rehearsed to me. Think about it. Did you just come up with
Speaker:that on the spot, Wendi? I did. I did. I I could put
Speaker:it into a wrap, but I'm white, so that wouldn't come up very well. We
Speaker:can run with that. Indeed. That's fine. The girl who loved Shmonfat.
Speaker:But she also killed her. That's probably
Speaker:true. We need to know the cause of death to give me a theme here.
Speaker:So in all seriousness, I don't know how I would word this, so I'm gonna
Speaker:stay away from poetry. That's not my lane. I I I get it. I hear
Speaker:you. I wanna be known for that person
Speaker:who was the one
Speaker:who wasn't afraid to try, the one who had vision and
Speaker:faith to move forward and try new things and to challenge us
Speaker:to be better as a church. And, I hope
Speaker:I've done a good job of disrupting in a healthy way, and
Speaker:I'd love that on my epitaph. Alright. Sounds
Speaker:good. That's a very serious ending, though. Am I supposed to take the
Speaker:last question? We can do one more question. I also have rapid fire for
Speaker:you, so I'm gonna put you on the hot seat. But before we get into
Speaker:that, do you need more character, Johan? That's all we have left
Speaker:is character. Okay. We're lacking character. Okay. Here, Johan.
Speaker:Character for 300. What life experiences impacted you
Speaker:and developed character within you? I would
Speaker:say marriage. Marriage is Yes. Hard
Speaker:work, but Amen. It's it's so good. I think
Speaker:it's such a gift from the Lord to develop character within
Speaker:you. It will pinpoint all the weaknesses and the
Speaker:strengths, and you're exposed all the time.
Speaker:So thank God for marriage, but, yeah, that's
Speaker:it's definitely developed character. 21 years for you this
Speaker:year? It'll be 22 in May. So
Speaker:Oh my goodness. Yep. You guys got married when you were, like, 15 then or
Speaker:something. Something like that. Yeah. Me and Harold are
Speaker:old compared to you, and we're going on 19 this
Speaker:year. So yeah. How old were you when you got
Speaker:married? I was a week 20. Oh. Yeah.
Speaker:Little babies. That's so cute. But my wife is older than me,
Speaker:so a year and a half. Okay. See, I married up.
Speaker:Harold is 10 years older than me. Okay. Enough about
Speaker:me. I wanna do rapid fire with you, Johan. Are you ready?
Speaker:Are you is your seat hot enough, or do we need to crank up the
Speaker:heat in there? My head's in a fog, which could make this interesting. Oh, yes.
Speaker:But it's not 10 o'clock. It's not 10 PM, so this might not be
Speaker:as interesting as then. Okay. So I've got a few questions here, and
Speaker:just give me the first thing that pops in your brain. Okay. What's
Speaker:your favorite book of all time other than the Bible? Bible is a
Speaker:good answer. Treasury of Prayer by
Speaker:E. M. Bounds. It's a book my grandfather always
Speaker:had on hand, and I inherited that. So
Speaker:it's precious. I'll have to look it up. I haven't heard of that one.
Speaker:If you could have dinner with any historical figure, who would it be?
Speaker:Well, I talked about this before. I'd say Paul. Oh, lots of
Speaker:questions for Paul. Yeah. Okay. That sounds good. Yeah. He would
Speaker:I would like to sit down with Paul too. Would have a good debate, I'm
Speaker:sure. Okay. What's your go to karaoke
Speaker:song? We're out in our backyard having campfire,
Speaker:and Harold brings out the karaoke machine. What song would you go to?
Speaker:Haven't done much karaoke other than at your place that
Speaker:one time. And that was Christmas songs, which I don't really like. So you
Speaker:could do like, what's your favorite song that you could sing along to?
Speaker:I don't have a favorite song. Oh, come on. Do you have, like, an
Speaker:8 are you an eighties, nineties? I'll just I would pull
Speaker:out some old YouTube. It would be like with or without you YouTube sort of
Speaker:thing. Okay. YouTube? Yep. Yeah. I'll take that.
Speaker:Dogs or cats? Dogs. Good answer.
Speaker:Do you have a dog? We did have, but we don't like dogs.
Speaker:So you really hate cats is what you're saying? We don't like pets.
Speaker:I like other people's cats. They're God's creation. Okay. So you like
Speaker:my cats? Yep. Okay. If you could
Speaker:travel anywhere in the world right now, where would you go?
Speaker:I would love to see Greece. We got a good friend that has a
Speaker:place there. So Wendi of a CareImpact, I mean. So Yes.
Speaker:Yeah. He always goes there every summer. I know. That's that's why I wanna go
Speaker:too because he sells it. So I know you love coffee, so I'm not gonna
Speaker:ask you the coffee or tea question. But what's your favorite coffee bean to
Speaker:date that you enjoy? K. This is interesting.
Speaker:I've tried I've tried the most expensive coffee bean in the
Speaker:world at the time. It's it isn't anymore. I don't know if
Speaker:you've heard of cat poo coffee. Oh, I've heard of elephant poo coffee.
Speaker:No. This one was in cat poop. Yeah. Elephant poo is actually a
Speaker:lot. That's more expensive now. That one's more
Speaker:expensive. But at the time, it was cat poop coffee. It actually
Speaker:wasn't my favorite, though. It was okay. Okay. So what is your favorite coffee
Speaker:bean? I've I've roasted my own beans, so I really enjoy that. But
Speaker:I would say, definitely, Kona Hawaiian coffee
Speaker:beans are delicious. They're amazing. Okay. Kona coffee.
Speaker:Sounds good. Okay. So what's the last movie that
Speaker:made you cry? I'm not really a crier.
Speaker:Me neither. This would be a hard one. I don't think I've cried at
Speaker:a movie. Ever? So I can't really answer that. I'm
Speaker:gonna get Corey to your wife to cut onions while you're
Speaker:watching a movie then next time. You know what? Here's my answer.
Speaker:It's probably Lord of the Rings because it's it was so
Speaker:long that I've had to pee and that
Speaker:feeling of having to pee made me cry. It's like, oh, I don't
Speaker:wanna leave because this is a great movie. But What about
Speaker:have you watched the chosen? The the have you been following along in the chosen
Speaker:series? Absolutely. Yeah. Yeah. And none
Speaker:of that brought kind of an emotion to your tear
Speaker:ducts, like, a little mist? Oh, I would say probably for
Speaker:sure because, like, you just Wendi you learn
Speaker:aspects of Jesus' character, like, even though it's you know a lot of
Speaker:it's fictional, but the heart behind it, like, you see it in a
Speaker:different light kinda makes Jesus a real person and Yeah. I don't know.
Speaker:There's definitely some good feelings there. Yeah. Okay. Well,
Speaker:that'll do. What about are you an early bird or night
Speaker:owl? I am an early bird, I would
Speaker:say. Okay. Yep. I was never able to stay up
Speaker:late. Except for 10 PM, Johan. 10 o'clock, Yohan.
Speaker:Yeah. What's the most adventurous thing you've ever done?
Speaker:Join CareImpact. Ah, good answer.
Speaker:Why is that adventurous? Little bit of an unknown. Just
Speaker:jumping right in. I don't know if it's the most adventurous. It's the first thing
Speaker:that popped into my head, which was what I'm supposed to do. Right? So What
Speaker:is the last song that you've listened to? Check my
Speaker:phone. The Prodigal Song by Corey Asbury.
Speaker:Okay. What's your favorite childhood memory?
Speaker:Probably when my dad was a paramedic, he brought an ambulance
Speaker:for show and tell for me. That was a great memory.
Speaker:Yeah. Yeah. That is a great memory. Up to this side of the school with
Speaker:the sirens blazing and bringing in able to bring my
Speaker:friends in inside the ambulance and, yeah, it was a good dad
Speaker:moment. Oh, yeah. Good break breaking rights. Having a
Speaker:dad with a as a paramedic. Yeah. If you could have a
Speaker:superpower, what would it be? Fundraising?
Speaker:I Wendi in on that too. Yeah. And what is your favorite
Speaker:season? Summer. What's your biggest pet
Speaker:peeve? Lack of communication,
Speaker:Poor communication skills and being late.
Speaker:Oh, yeah. What's the best piece of advice that you can think
Speaker:of that you've ever received? I can't think of the
Speaker:best, but the first thing that comes to mind, which we kinda live
Speaker:by in marriage and family, is don't go to bed angry.
Speaker:Mhmm. Good. If you could have any talent
Speaker:in the world, what would it be? Besides fundraising?
Speaker:I would like to learn the banjo, actually. Okay.
Speaker:Yeah. You can have a banjo. Johan is a banjo. Okay.
Speaker:You are from Saskatchewan? How did that not come up in our
Speaker:question and answers? Well, there you go. Yeah. We threw in a bonus there,
Speaker:guys. Okay. Last question. What's the first thing you
Speaker:do in the morning? Wake up. Go
Speaker:on. Shower and coffee. That's it. Okay.
Speaker:Alright. That was the last of our rapid fire. So we got
Speaker:one more episode coming up. One more where you can get to know us, us,
Speaker:ask us anything about CareImpact, us as individuals,
Speaker:journey with care podcast, whatever whatever you wanna
Speaker:know, we'll try to get it on the podcast depending on how many questions we
Speaker:get. So alright. We are just so grateful for our listeners and those
Speaker:that are sharing the podcast that are getting stuff from it. We always love
Speaker:feedback. So feel free to do that. Go to our website to do that.
Speaker:And we got some really good, maybe some
Speaker:controversial or intense series coming up after this. So
Speaker:tune in next week for the 3rd in this 3rd and final in this series,
Speaker:and we look forward to what's coming next. We're
Speaker:gonna have that one on the road on our road trips, so that'll be interesting
Speaker:as well. So Yes. Anything to add, Wendi? Well, this has
Speaker:been a lot of fun, getting to know you a little bit better, Johan, and
Speaker:hopefully people have been able to get to know me a little bit more, and
Speaker:I am looking forward I'm curious to see what kind of questions you
Speaker:all have out there and, that's, we're looking
Speaker:forward to corresponding with you. So keep those questions
Speaker:coming. And join the Sojourners group where we can have a fun
Speaker:discussion there. Mhmm. Thank you
Speaker:for joining another conversation on Journey with Care, where we
Speaker:inspire curious Canadians on their path of faith and living
Speaker:life with purpose in community. Journey with Care is an initiative of
Speaker:CareImpact, a Canadian charity dedicated to connecting and
Speaker:equipping the whole church to journey well in community. You can
Speaker:visit their website at CareImpact or visit journeywithcare.
Speaker:Ca to get more information on weekly episodes, Journey with
Speaker:Prayer, and details about our upcoming events and meetups.
Speaker:You can also leave us a message, share your thoughts, and connect with like
Speaker:minded individuals who are on their own journeys of faith and
Speaker:purpose. Thank you for sharing this podcast and helping these stories
Speaker:reach the community. Together, we can explore ways to journey in a good
Speaker:way. And always remember to stay curious.